Beautiful pics of Helene Fischer and Claudia Wells feet & legs
Fans of low-grade pop beef could be thrilled by the possibility that could result from Katy Perry pipping Taylor Swift to become Forbess most-respected female musician for 2018. There are some contenders for their position farther down Forbes' top 10. Helene Fische is the 8th position, just behind Rihanna. Celine dion and Britney spears both lead. Who? A snarky German-Russian star clearly keen to keep her appeal to all women for something. The only thing that comes through her interviews is her passion for homemade flavor butter. Also, her boyfriend was also a German television star who had her face tattooed onto his arm. Fischer 34's biography, which is a bit boring and biographically lacking, says she's a major figure of Germanys Schlager the music industry. Its sound can be described as having two distinct facets. First, there is an oompah-like bierhalle bop which oomphs over matters relating to boozebabes and Bundesrepublik. Fischer is the perfect example of its antagonist: the faithful woman whose heart beats faster and breathe stops whenever she imagines her beloved man who plays up her feminine feebleness to enthrall his instincts of protection. Schlager was a reaction to the vulgar west pop that infiltrated Germany post-war. The themes of the show are timeless. There are many Schlager shows on TV that appeal to the baby boomers. Fischer puts one out each Christmas season, which is a depressing show featuring an all-star cast. The show makes Jools' Annual Hootenanny resemble Channel 4s"Club X. Its roots in the country make it country music's spiritual cousin. Fischer gives the genre with a slick, aggressive synth-pop style that is akin to her German Taylor Swift. Swifts pop-evolution made Swift cool. But it's hard to say how little the reviewers love Fischers plainly terrible music.
Claudia Wells is an American actress born in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia but grew up in San Francisco CA. Wells gained fame due to her performance in the film Back to the Future (1985) in the role of Jennifer Parker Marty McFly's lover. Wells was also in Stop the Madness a Reagan-sponsored anti drug video featuring prominent actors, athletes, and musicians. In the following year, she was a part in the film Babies Having Babies. And she was the main character on Fast Times a television adaption of 1982's Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Claudia had a successful career as a rising star in Hollywood. But, after her mother was diagnosed with cancer Claudia decided to take off from her career. That tragic experience spurred her toward taking an active role in charities the most recent of which is called Claudia Wells is a veteran actress with an impressive 50 credits across TV, film and theatre. She believes that her real career on the screen is still ahead of her. She is looking for a sexy character that aren't afraid to break conventions and challenge their own expectations. Claudia Wells runs her own boutique of fine clothes specifically for men called Armani Wells. Visit her website for more information.

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